Here is a small guide to choosing a wheelchair.
Le wheelchairs sono un vero e propio mezzo di trasporto per le personne con disabilità temporanea o permanente. Indispensabili per muoversi in ambito domestico, o all’esterno. Si possono trovare diversi modelli di carrozzine sul sito M.I.A. MEDICAL ITALIA.IT a site specialising in the rental and sale of long-term care aids and home physiotherapy.
Let's take a look at the various models available on the market.
SELF-PROPELLED FOLDING WHEELCHAIR. Ideal for those who want to move around independently, with large rear wheels.
TRANSIT WHEELCHAIR. I deal for non-independent patients who need the assistance of a second person to get around. With small rear wheels.
PAEDIATRIC WHEELCHAIRS. Ideal for children up to 1.40 m tall. equipped with large, removable rear wheels.
BARIATRIC WHEELCHAIRS. Suitable for persons weighing over 130kg. With a reinforced, self-propelled or transit frame.
RECLINING WHEELCHAIRS. The inclined backrest allows better head support and a more comfortable sitting position.
LIGHTWEIGHT WHEELCHAIRS. Often easier to fold and more portable than generic wheelchairs.
The first thing you need to look at while looking for a wheelchair is the width of the seat. This is very important because there are many sizes ranging from 38cm to 60cm.
The most common are 40cm, 45cm, 50cm. To choose your size, examine the spaces where you will have to use it. For example the elevator doors , the bathroom doors, the width of the corridor, the capacity of your vehicle...
Below you will find a small table to help you choose.
Weight between 75kg/90kg, height from 1.60 m to 1.80 m, 45cm seat
height from 1.80 m to 1.95 m , 43cm seat
Weight between 85kg/100kg, height from 1.60m to 1.80m, 50 cm seat
Weight between 50kg/70kg, height from 1.45m to 1.65m, 40cm seat
height from 1.60 m to 1.80 m , 40cm seat
Weight between 70kg/100kg, height from 1.45m to 1.65m, 50/55cm seat
height from 1.65 m to 1.80 m , 43/45cm seat
Infine, non dimenticare di scegliere le pedane. Possono essere semplice , o con l’appoggio e l’elevazione per il riposo delle gambe. I poggia gambe hanno un cuscinetto per il polpaccio per sollevare le gambe e prevenire il gonfiore, o poggiare la gamba ingessata in caso di fratture. Entrambi sono rimovibili e includono la regolazione della lunghezza del poggiagambe.