Disabilità: "Hostability" per il turismo accessibile a Roma

Hostability" per il turismo accessibile a Roma

Hostability. Young people with disabilities as tourism entrepreneurs: the project financed by the Lazio Region to overcome the concept of a protected category.

On 4 October, in Rome, the projectI havestability” presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Tor Vergata. Lo scopo del progetto consiste nel facilitare l’professional insertion nel mondo del turismo di persone con disabilitàparticularly in the non-hotel sector such as B&Bs, to create the first accessible tourism circuit in Lazio.

L’iniziativa è stata promossa dalla Cooperative in Capefunded by the Lazio Region. E’ stata realizzata con il supporto della CARIS (University Commission for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and DSA) of theTor Vergata University and the Job Centres, of theENS (Ente Nazionale Sordi). Important contributions also came from other associations dedicated to people with different types of disabilities.

Hostability provides training for eighteen young people aged between 18 and 35 with disabilities. They are currently unemployed and interested in managing strictly accessible flats to host tourists usually hampered by facilities unsuitable for disabled people. The training period will also include a total reimbursement of EUR 3,600 for ten months of classroom time.

The topics covered by the courses will be specific to tourism and hospitality, but also to communication and marketing to enhance participants' skills ad hoc per soddisfare la futura clientela. L’obiettivo è quello di creare una vera e propria rete di appartamenti accessibili in tutta la regione, innescando un circuito virtuoso per l’youth employment delle categorie tradizionalmente definite “protette” e per un’quality tourism offer.

At the end of the training, the students will be able to manage their own business on the main industry platforms (such as Airbnb, Booking, etc.). They will thus be able to use the necessary skills and tools to face a market that is constantly evolving and expanding. Future hosts will not only be entrepreneurs promoting sustainable tourism. They will also be promoters of authentic, quality tourism: they will enhance local culture and traditions by showing guests alternative experiences to classic tourist routes.

The conventions of M.I.A. Medical 

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