Knee magnetotherapy: treatable conditions and benefits
Magnetotherapy is particularly effective in combating disorders and pathologies affecting the knee.
It is certainly among the best therapies that can be done, depending on the pathology possessed. This is also because magnetotherapy sessions have no side effects, are completely painless and require only a little time each week. Specifically, magnetotherapy is absolutely recommended and effective for certain knee pathologies, namely:
- Arthrosis of the knee;
- Osteoarthritis of the knee;
- Patellar chondropathy;
- Knee sprains;
- Ligament injuries;
- Meniscus injuries;
- Patellar tendonitis;
- General pain of the skeletal system and knee bones.
1. Arthrosis of the knee
Magnetotherapy is therefore recommended first and foremost for theknee arthrosisThis is a degenerative pathology that affects both the cartilage of the femur and that of the tibia. Magnetotherapy is very useful in the prevention phase, as it prevents the cartilage from being consumed or at least definitely slows down its progress, as well as in the later phases, as it lengthens the degenerative time of the pathology.
2. Patellar chondropathy
Se non vi è consumo, ma comunque è presente un fattore di stress sulla cartilagine, con conseguente dolore, si parla di condropatica rotulea. Nei casi più gravi è previsto persino l’intervento chirurgico, ma in realtà la magnetoterapia risulta essere la cura migliore per questa patologia.
Patellar chondropathy is very common in women and sportsmen, can be due to trauma or the fact that the knee is constantly subjected to stress and strain. Magnetic therapy is able to strengthen the cartilage of the kneecap and bring it back to its normal level.
3. Knee osteoarthritis
If the cartilage wear is in a very advanced state, the pathology affecting the subject is called knee osteoarthritis. The synovial fluid, in these cases, i.e. the fluid that allows the bones not to come into contact, loses all its qualities, which ends up causing really severe pain and an inability to move the leg freely. This is quite a serious condition, which often even requires surgery. Magnetotherapy proves to be very effective whether the subject opts to undergo an operation or decides to avoid the surgical solution. In fact, in either case, it reduces the degeneration process and also alleviates perceived pain. Moreover, it helps, following the operation, to recover, speeding up rehabilitation time and even offering a preventive action in cartilage wear.
4. Knee sprain
Trauma is the main cause that can lead to a knee sprain. This can differ depending on the internal structures of the knee that it affects, such as the meniscus, ligaments or the actual bone.
Una distorsione di entità lieve può essere ripristinata dalla magnetoterapia, mentre distorsioni più grave necessitano di altri interventi. Si consiglia comunque anche in questi ultimi casi di affidarsi a questa terapia in quanto aiuta la ripresa del ginocchio, sia sotto il punto di vista della forza che sotto quello della tempistica.
5. Ligament injuries
Ligaments can also be restored by relying on magnetotherapy. In fact, it is very effective because it promotes and accelerates the formation of fibres, such as those in the ligaments. However, it is very important not to abandon the therapy after only a few sessions, as otherwise the progress made up to that point may be in vain.
6. Meniscus injuries
Magnetotherapy also acts effectively on meniscus injuries. To obtain benefits in this respect, high-frequency and high-intensity therapy must be carried out, using several electromagnets if possible. This is because the meniscus is located deep inside the knee and the magnetic flux is forced to penetrate through the various structures before reaching the injured part and providing the necessary benefit.
7. Ligaments and tendons
Also benefiting from magnetotherapeutic treatment are the hamstrings, which can cause discomfort and pain. Specifically, patellar tendonitis is a pathology created by an inflammation of the tendon connected to the tibia and patella, referred to in anatomy as the patellar tendon. Thanks to the repolarisation process, magnetotherapy ensures that the pathology is overcome in just a few sessions. It is sufficient to re-establish the right level of sodium in the affected area to achieve a rapid and, as always, painless effect.
8. Bone pain
Finally, magnetotherapy is also recommended for simple bone and structural pain in the knee that cannot be attributed to any of the above pathologies. In fact, having no side effects and being painless, magnetotherapy can only offer benefits by restoring balance within the knee and re-establishing standard anatomical levels. This also helps prevent the formation of pathologies that may affect the knee in the future.
But how does it work?
Although it is seen as a modern science, magnetotherapy actually owes its origins to Dr. Paracelsus who, in the 16th century, realised the potential possessed by magnets in the therapeutic field.
It is a branch of medicine that has had an important history and has evolved considerably with the help of technology, especially in the equipment with which treatments are carried out.
Hiring magnetotherapy at home represents a real revolution for patients. Magnetotherapy sessions range from 3 to 8 hours. In fact, it is recommended to do the applications at night, at home.
The operation of magnetotherapy is based on two elements, or rather on two electromagnetswhich are called solenoids, which must be applied to the area to be treated. These two elements, once they receive the electric current, are able to generate a real miniature magnetic field, which in turn is able to transmit magnetic energy to the joint, muscle or bone, the applications take a long time: from 3 to 8 hours.
Questa trasmissione è dovuta semplicemente al fatto che all’interno del corpo umano sono presenti molte sostanze metalliche, come ad esempio il ferro, e agendo su queste molecole la magnetoterapia riesce a generare energia sugli ioni presenti.
Such a treatment is essentially based on two properties of action, which are the frequency and intensity.
Generally, the frequency applied varies between 30 and 60 Hertz, as theoretically only at these levels can the device used supply the energy required to treat the pathology. It is important to point out that the frequency of a magnetic field created by solenoids is not static: è infatti necessario invertire costantemente la polarità al fine di fornire gli effetti curativi desiderati all’area sottoposta a trattamento.
The intensity, on the other hand, measured in Gauss, indicates the amount of electrical charges passing through the solenoids. The greater this quantity, the higher the intensity applied to the human body. Generally, devices for domestic use have a good intensity, i.e. 1000 Gauss, equal to hospital or specialist devices.
Magnetotherapy in turn can be distinguished into three subcategories of treatment. There is first of all magnetotherapy at low frequencythe one to high frequency and finally the static one. The first two are dynamic treatments, and their effectiveness is guaranteed if magnetotherapy is carried out consistently and over a long period of time. L’efficacia del trattamento statico, invece, non è scientificamente provata, e spesso gli esiti sono inutili.
In addition, magnetic energy also affects metabolismfavouring and accelerating it. It also has the consequence of improve blood flow and eliminate excess fluid, increasing the body's draining capacity. But it is also able to prevent and benefit injuries or diseases of joints and bones.