When you need a walker rental ?
- Post-operative lower limb surgery. We speak for example of fracture of the femur and fracture of the hip, knee, malleolus and patella;
- physical rehabilitationa : Il post-intervento è una fase importante finalizzata al recupero della mobilità e delle nostre funzionalità;
- Weakness in the upper limbs. It can happen that our arms cannot support the weight of the body with just the use of a pair of crutches.
This is why, as the best solution, we opt for the rental of a comfortable walker with board for brachial support. - If we have BALANCE problems può essere di sollievo poter contare sempre su un supporto stabile.
- And so on...Sometimes little is needed to live better!
- Choose walker rental for home physiotherapy!
- Quali sono i vantaggi del noleggio di un deambulatore ? Noleggiare un offre la possibilità di fare la fisioterapia in autonomia. È indispensabile per chi ha subito la frattura del femore , ed ha necessità di recuperare la mobilità.
- What rental options are available? We offer different rental options to suit our customers' needs. You can opt for a short-term rental for short periods of use, such as a day or a weekend, or choose a long-term rental for extended needs.
- How does the delivery and collection of the walker take place? We organise delivery of the walker directly to your home or desired destination. At the end of the rental period, we will take care of the collection of the device, guaranteeing a complete and uncomplicated service. The walker must be returned clean.
- What are the features of the walker available for hire? Our walkers are lightweight, foldable and equipped with wheels for greater manoeuvrability. They are designed to provide comfort and stability when moving, ensuring a pleasant and safe experience for the user. The size of the walker may vary depending on the weight, height and gender of the customer.
- Can I request technical assistance during the rental period? Yes, our customer service team is always available to answer your questions and provide technical support throughout the rental period. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need us.
- The walker is foldable and can be easily loaded into the car.
How does rental work? Il processo di noleggio è semplice e conveniente. Dopo aver fatto la prenotazione online, vi verrà fornito un preventivo personalizzato in base alle vostre esigenze. Tutti i nostri costi sono incluso di IVA e senza costi aggiuntivi. Una volta confermato il noleggio, organizzeremo la consegna e l’installazione direttamente a casa vostra.
Hire 90 days price per day: 1.11€
Hire 60 days price per day: 1.33€
Hire 45 daysi price per day: 1.44€
Hire 30 days price per day: 1.66€
Hire 15 days price per day: 2.33€
Hire 7 days price per day: €4.30
Home transport in Rome or Florence from 25€. Rental prices are promotions that apply exclusively to rentals made through our website.