Electric Hospital Bed Rental 90 cm + Antidecubitus Mattress | Rome and Florence

A partire da 3,30€ al giorno

Easy booking, clear costs, state-of-the-art aids. No deposit! Consegna a domicilio incluso di montaggio a partire da  50€ soltanto nel Lazio e Toscana. Il costo sarà maggiorato in caso di consegna al piano senza ascensore.

How much does it cost?:

Why choose to renting an orthopaedic bed electric? The rental è a service offering the best medical, rehabilitation and assistive equipment orthopaedists commercially available, certified and guaranteed, eliminating onerous investments and the costs of purchase and maintenance. In addition, the beds are excellent aids in cases of bedridden patients requiring daily care. MIA MEDICAL beds have full electronic adjustment. The rental of our electric beds is complete with mattress anti-decubitus quote. Includes integral sanitary mattress covers. All our aids are sanitised and certified.

What is the orthopaedic bed for?

Orthopaedic beds MIA MEDICAL are designed specifically for provide comfort, safety and support for elderly and disabled people. Un letto ortopedico elettrico per disabili è dotato di un sistema di controllo remoto, che permette sia a l’utente che al paziente  di regolare facilmente i vari movimenti del letto.
The beds are complete with side rails and a patient lifting pole.
Watch the video.

The Electric Orthopaedic Hospital Bed with a width of 90cm (1plex) / 120cm (1½plex), comes complete with side rails, patient lifter (triangle lift) and anti-decubitus preventive mattress. It is ideal for bedridden elderly people, or for those who have had a temporary injury.

All our electric beds are sanitised and disinfected before delivery. The mattress supplied is preventative anti-decubitus and has full health cover.

Features of the electric hospital bed 1 Square (90CM) . 

  • full electric adjustment.
  • Net surface area: 195×95 cm;
  • Total length: 212 cm;
  • Total width: 105 cm.
  • Maximum patient weight: 130 kg;
  • Maximum safe load: 180 kg.
  • Height adjustment with remote control: minimum: 30 cm. - maximum: 80 cm.

Features of the Electric Hospital Bed 1½ Square (120CM) 

  • full electric adjustment.
  • Net surface area: 195×115 cm;
  • Total length: 212 cm;
  • Total width: 135 cm.
  • Maximum patient weight: 150 kg;
  • Maximum safe load: 180 kg.
  • Height adjustment with remote control: minimum: 30 cm. - maximum: 80 cm.

Features of the electric hospital bed Bariatric (120CM), for obese persons.

  • full electric adjustment.
  • Net area: 200 cm x 140 cm ;
  • Total length: 220 cm;
  • Total width: 140 cm.
  • Maximum patient weight: 250 kg;
  • Maximum safe load: 300Kg.
  • Height adjustment with remote control: minimum: 30 cm. - maximum: 80 cm.

Noleggio Letto Ortopedico Elettrico 1 PIAZZA (90 cm) – Roma e Firenze

Rent our 90 cm (1 square) electric hospital bed in Rome and Florence and you will also receive an anti-decubitus mattress included in the rental price! Designed to guarantee maximum comfort and safety for those in need. Quick delivery and professional assistance.

Cosa è un Letto Ospedaliero Elettrico?

orthopaedic electric hospital bed è un dispositivo medico progettato per migliorare il comfort e la sicurezza delle persone con mobilità ridotta or in rehabilitation phase. È dotato di adjustable electric movements che facilitano la gestione del paziente e migliorano la qualità della vita sia per il paziente che per i caregiver.

To whom can it be useful?

  • Seniors con difficoltà motorie
  • People in post-operative convalescence
  • Pazienti con disabilità o patologie croniche
  • Long-term bedridden subjects
  • Family members who want to provide comfort and security for a loved one

Come Funziona un Letto Ospedaliero Elettrico a Noleggio – Roma e Firenze

Il nostro letto ortopedico ospedaliero è fully adjustable thanks to a easy-to-use remote control. In tal modo, sarà possibile, sia per il paziente che per chi se ne prende cura, di sfruttare tutte le funzionalità che il letto dispone. 

The main functions include:

  • Regolazione dell’altezza per facilitare l’accesso al letto. 
  • Headboard and footboard inclination for optimal comfort.
  • Safety side rails to prevent falls.
  • Wheels with brake per una mobilità controllata.
  • Handle sick lift
  • Antidecubitus mattress to prevent the occurrence of bedsores, soprattutto per i soggetti più a rischio. 

Scopri di più sui nostri materassi antidecubito!

The Benefits of Hiring an Electric Hospital Bed with Antidecubitus Mattress

Tutti i nostri letti elettrici  sono igienizzati e sanificati prima della consegna. Il materasso in dotazione è  preventivi antidecubito ed ha una copertura sanitaria integrale.

  • Migliora la qualità del riposo thanks to customised adjustment.
  • Facilita l’assistenza reducing the effort of caregivers.
  • Prevents pressure sores thanks to the included anti-decubitus mattress.
  • Increasing security with side rails and wheel block.

Features of the electric hospital bed 1 Square (90CM) - Rome and Florence

  • full electric adjustment.
  • Net surface area: 195×95 cm;
  • Total length: 212 cm;
  • Total width: 105 cm.
  • Maximum patient weight: 130 kg;
  • Maximum safe load: 180 kg.
  • Height adjustment with remote control: minimum: 30 cm. - maximum: 80 cm.

Perché scegliere il nostro servizio di noleggio a Roma e Firenze ?

  • Letto ortopedico elettrico regolabile della migliore qualità sul mercato a prezzthe super convenient for unparalleled comfort
  • Including anti-decubitus mattress to prevent pressure sores
  • Flexible rental with customised options
  • Fast service and delivery at home

If you are a caregiver of a dependent person and need a hand, our nurse trustworthy Andrea Arnaldi è specializzato nel campo dell’assistenza domiciliare, sempre pronto a garantire la continuità delle cure necessarie nel comfort della casa del paziente. Do not hesitate to contact him!

Book your electric orthopaedic bed today!

Maximum capacity

Maximum patient weight: 135 kg. Maximum safe working load: 180 kg


electric backrest adjustment from 0° to approx. 75° electric thigh adjustment from 0° to approx. 30°

Inpatient surface area

195 cm x 90 cm


210 cm


Minimum height: 30 cm. Maximum height: 70 cm


106 cm x 206 cm


106 cm

Elevation angle

head part: 80°

How much does it cost?

15 giorni 115 €, 30 giorni 145 €, 45 giorni 190 €, 60 giorni 240 €, 90 giorni 300 €

  1. How does electric orthopaedic bed rental work? Il processo di noleggio del letto elettrico ortopedico è semplice e conveniente. Dopo aver contattato il nostro servizio clienti, vi verrà fornito un preventivo personalizzato in base alle vostre esigenze. Tutti i nostri costi sono incluso di IVA e senza costi aggiuntivi. Una volta confermato il noleggio, organizzeremo la consegna e l’installazione del letto direttamente a casa vostra.
  2. What are the advantages of the orthopaedic electric bed including anti-decubitus mattress? The orthopaedic electric bed offers optimal comfort and support, allowing a correct sleeping position. The anti-decubitus mattress prevents pressure sores, providing a safe and comfortable sleeping surface for those with limited mobility.
  3. What rental options are available? We offer several flexible rental options to suit your needs. You can opt for a short-term rental to recover from surgery or an injury, or choose a long-term rental for ongoing support.
  4. Come avviene la consegna e l’installazione del letto? Il azienda  specializzata si occuperà della consegna e dell’installazione del letto direttamente a casa vostra con un costo a partire da 40€. Altrettanto sarà richiesto per il servizio di smontaggio e ritiro.  Garantiamo un servizio rapido e professionale per assicurarvi una transizione senza problemi.
  5. Can I request technical assistance during the rental period? Sì, il nostro team di assistenza tecnica è disponibile per risolvere qualsiasi problema o domanda che possiate avere durante il periodo di noleggio. Basta contattarci al numero +39 3926509237 e saremo lieti di fornire supporto immediato.
  6. What are the requirements for collecting the bed at the end of the rental period? At the end of the rental period, at your request, you can choose to extend the rental period if you need to or request pick-up of the electric orthopaedic bed directly from your home. It is important to ensure that the bed is ready for collection, i.e. free of any obstacles, clean in all parts and in the same state as it was delivered.

How does rental work? The rental process is simple and convenient. After you have made your online booking, you will be provided with a customised quote based on your requirements. All our costs are inclusive of VAT and without additional charges. Once the rental is confirmed, we will organise delivery and installation directly to your home. minimum rental 15 days. Hire 90 days  price per day: 3,30 Hire 60 days  price per day: 4,00€ Hire 30 days price per day: 4,80€ Hire 15 days price per day: 8 Rental prices are promotions referring to exclusively to rentals made via our website. The cost of the transport includes home delivery and assembly.  . La delivery is made within 48 hours of the call. With the rental you will be provided with all the necessary training and guidance to be able to use the bed most effectively and comfortably in your own home.

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